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It's Scorpio season, which means Halloween, and yes, you can get stoned and enjoy candy. Who has an epic costume planned? Scorpio season begins on Monday, October 23, and runs through Tuesday, November 21, and is all about transformation. Yeah, that's why people like to dress up and step into their cooler alter egos, but it's also a reminder to treat every day like Halloween. Sure, you can dress up like David Bowie (who is a Capricorn, believe it or not) or Jimi Hendrix (obviously a sexy Sagittarius). But this time of the year reminds you that you can also wave your freak flag freely every day. Scorpio cannabis icons include Whoopi Goldberg and Matthew McConaughey.
An enigmatic and passionate sign, Scorpio loves to go deep. This can mean some of the most profound stoned conversations with friends you've ever had. However, as this intense water sign can also be prone to overthinking and jealousy (especially around the eclipse that goes down during Hallo-weekend), you'll want to keep your cannabis on hand to stay calm and grounded. We may be biased, but we think our fanny pack goes with any costume. Want to know what Scorpio season has in store for your sign? Keep reading.
Cheers, fierce Aries. With a little courage required, it's time to journey through bewitching Scorpio season. The sun's shift into the poetic water sign dares you to try new things, whether it's a new relationship format or method of intake. Is there any better time than Halloween to treat yourself to Live Rosin Gummies?
Keep your cannabis on hand because your first Scorpio season assignment is to avoid drama during the full moon and eclipse in Taurus on Saturday, October 28. Around the eclipse, you may feel emotionally volatile. Sometimes, you can speak rashly, only to regret it later. Eclipses tend to make rational action harder. If you're celebrating Halloween this weekend, consider opting for cannabis over alcohol to lower the chance of fighting words. There's no shame in staying in and celebrating by watching horror movies (your cannabis can join).
Prepare for intense bouts of desire when Venus enters harmonious Libra on Wednesday, November 8. This celestial shift brings intimacy even to casual hook-ups. From enhancing sensations to lowering emotional walls, cannabis pairs excellently with sex. It can be challenging to let your guard down, but there are so many romantic opportunities this month; it's worth it.
Monday, November 13, brings a new moon in seductive Scorpio, bringing fresh starts to your love life. Embrace this opportunity to shed old insecurities and remember that fortune favors the bold.
Inhale: The joy of staying in
Exhale: The need to impress others
Hey there, hot Taurus. Spooky Scorpio season kicks off, bringing an intense eclipse in your sign, Halloween, and profound changes within your partnerships.
If there's a night you want to party, it's likely the Saturday before Halloween, Saturday, October 28. However, this night brings a full moon and eclipse in your sign, Taurus. Astrologically speaking, these cosmic occurrences can leave everyone prone to paranoia. The easiest way to avoid eclipse drama is to stay in, but that may be an unreasonable request on this spooky holiday. Just be warned that Saturday, October 28, might be an intense night. You will likely experience a culmination, whether ending a relationship or finally kissing your crush.
The planet of beauty, Venus, enters its home sign of Libra on Wednesday, November 8. This transit encourages you to revel in self-indulgence. Cannabis can help you fully inhabit your body and be present, complementing any self-care practice.
As you navigate Scorpio season, whether at home, enjoying Venus's assignment to pamper yourself, or breaking a sweat at a Halloween party, the calming gift of cannabis, discreetly in your pocket with a PAX Mini, can help you make the most of this transformative season.
Inhale: Vanity
Exhale: Shame
Psst...you're hot, Gemini. When Scorpio season commences, you're encouraged to be a little bit selfish. You're represented by the twins because there might as well be two of you. You're someone devoted to living life to its fullness, and this spooky time of year offers plenty of opportunities to do so.
On Saturday, October 28, a full moon and eclipse in Taurus encourages a day of introspection. Eclipses might look cool, but kind of like you, they also tend to attract drama. Use the day to release pent-up stress, whether through connection with someone who knows what you like or just catching up on actual sleep through a nice nap. It's the Saturday before Halloween, so there's a high chance that you'll be partying tonight. Spend the day resting up. And yes, this can include High Purity THC, which, the miracle cannabinoid that it is, can help both curate calm and bring out your signature wild side.
On Saturday, November 4, Saturn, the planet of rules, ends its retrograde in your 10th House of Social Status, which is all about getting ahead and enjoying attention. This transition prompts you to dedicate the week to focusing on your professional aspirations, reminding you that patience and persistence (which don't always come easy for you) pave the way for long-term success.
Inhale: Having it all
Exhale: Self-doubt
Cancer, as the sun enters Scorpio, your focus turns healthy vice (not an oxymoron!). This season encourages you to balance indulgence and self-care, finding joy in activities that nurture your body and soul. Embrace sensuality without shame, from connecting physically with others to jamming out on the keyboard.
On Saturday, October 28, a full moon and eclipse in Taurus offer a chance to reassess your social circles. Take time to evaluate the quality of your friendships and sever connections that no longer serve your well-being. Your whole crew may feel this eclipse's stressful aspects, so ensure you have enough Diamonds podsto share.
The theme of nurturing platonic relationships, the foundation anything romantic is built on (you need friends to talk smack about whoever you're dating), continues when Venus enters aesthetic-obsessed Libra on Wednesday, November 8. This midweek shift encourages harmony and love to your domestic life, enabling you to nurture your home environment and strengthen bonds with family members (chosen counts, too; as we said, you can never have enough pods.
After so much focus on taking care of others and sharing, Monday, November 13, marks a new moon in Scorpio, revitalizing your commitment to pleasure and well-being — for you. You can enjoy a bit of selfishness, Cancer, as a Scorpio season treat, whether you're still hoarding Halloween candy or just want to enjoy the great luxury of getting stoned alone without sharing your weed.
Inhale: Your friend’s vape
Exhale: Scarcity mindset
Brace yourself for Halloween (and plenty of time in between spooky celebrations to lounge around like the cat that you are), majestic Leo, once the sun moves into Scorpio. During this period, your focus turns toward the domestic sphere. Dive into home improvements and cherish quality time with your favorite people. Scorpio season begs you to get cozy. Peace, Literally, is more than a mindset. It's a hoodie.
On Wednesday, November 8, Venus (the planet that rules money) enters graceful Libra. This midweek transition enhances your social charm and communication skills, making it an ideal time for networking—our condolences to anyone with a job that requires them to swap out the hoodie for business casual. Thankfully, you can look forward to coming home to comfy clothes and cannabis.
Did you know that research shows that as long as you don't overdo it, cannabis can enhance creativity? Thursday, November 9, sees expressive Mercury entering bold Sagittarius, inspiring you to embrace your artistic side and indulge in activities that bring you joy, whether working away at your novel, penning love poems, or jamming out on your favorite instrument. Singing in the shower also counts.
Scorpio season invites you to balance your personal life and public image. Honor both your ambition and your need to lounge, and remember to use some of that creativity to come up with the most epic Halloween costume ever. Your hoodie is waiting when you're ready to take it off.
Inhale: Cannabis for creativity
Exhale: Insecurities
Hey Virgo, the tarot card associated with your sign is the Hermit. Action-packed Scorpio season (it must be the season of the witch), asks you to balance your introverted tendencies and desire for socialization. It's Halloween, and you like to party more than you let on, but you also need to recharge.
Remember Saturday, October 28, as it brings a full moon and eclipse in Taurus. Here's a bit of bad news: while they look super cool, eclipses are total drama queens. As it's Hallo-weekend, you'll likely want to get out of the house (don't forget to dress up) at least once, but the key to making it through this weekend without getting sucked into petty fights is carving out time for self-care at home. You'll be grateful for your Pax Charging Tray, from relaxing in the bathtub to dancing with someone dressed up like a Spice Girl, cannabis is your friend, and you don't want to risk your battery dying on you.
On Saturday, November 4, Saturn, the rule-maker of the zodiac, ends its retrograde in lovey Pisces. This transition emphasizes setting boundaries and nurturing your emotional well-being within partnerships. This means knowing when to turn down party invitations. However, don't expect others to have the same social calendar or self-care regimen as you. When Saturn goes direct, the stars remind you that you can't control everything.
Inhale: Healthy boundaries
Exhale: Micromanaging
Hey, pretty Libra. Scorpio season, the passionate time of year that coincides with Halloween. While you'll have plenty of chances for fun with friends and lovers, don't be surprised if you're busy at work and any creative side hustles for the next few weeks. Your Scorpio season theme is abundance, which could mean accolades, attention, and even money.
Saturday, October 28, brings a full moon and eclipse in Taurus. Eclipses give a cosmic push. They can be stressful but also mark culminations. You'll likely see some results this weekend, whether in business, love, or for the luckiest Libras, both. This is also the weekend when everyone will step into their alter egos to celebrate Halloween. What do you wish to invoke with your costume? Remember, you're ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, so she insists that you make time to party.
And, speaking of your ruling planet, Venus comes home to your sign, Libra, on Wednesday, November 8, encouraging you to treat yourself by doing nothing. Spend this week relaxing, watching TV, and enjoying leisure guilt-free. Your body needs rest; you'll be more productive in the long run. Leisure is easier with proper leisure wear, so pro-tip: The right pair of comfy socks, like our Flowerful Crews, make life better. You've been on your feet, making money and shaking what your mama gave you, so treat them right.
Inhale: Praise/p>
Exhale: Imposter syndrome
Happy solar return, Scorpio. You can sleep well in your coffin knowing that all the other signs are jealous that your season, is the spookiest. Consider personalizing your Pax as a treat.
By now, you've probably been called "intense." Don't worry; your — your passion is a good thing. It's also why so many Scorpios enjoy an Indica to help them chill out. Despite your signature stinger, you don't like drama. You get worked up over love and art; you're too deep for pettiness. However, others may bicker when Saturday, October 28, brings a full moon and eclipse, known for inciting paranoia. As it's Hallo-weekend, this could lead to fights over making out with someone's partner dressed as Pennywise the Clown or two Zeldas sword-fighting over who wore it best. Stay chill, and remember that your birthday season is too much fun to waste it on theatrics.
Saturn, the disciplinarian of the zodiac, ends its retrograde on Saturday, November 4. Now that the planet of rules is direct, you're encouraged to (healthily) push the envelope, especially related to sex and dating. It's an ideal time to go on a first date with someone who isn't your "type" or bring to life your secret fantasy. Just remember that Scorpios are prone to social media stalking love interests. In the continued interest of keeping drama to a minimum, try to avoid doing so. Now go have fun.
Inhale: Feeling spooky
Exhale: Social media stalking
Hey, red-hot Sagittarius. Did you know that your ruling planet is Jupiter, the literal planet of luck? Scorpio season, with Halloween, is always fun, but unfortunately also comes with stress. You can manage it with cannabis and your signature charm.
Don't hate us, but it might not be the worst idea to enjoy a lazy Halloween watching horror movies and getting high instead of partying like a rock star with tequila shots on Saturday, October 28. You're a rock star no matter what you do. (Since your sign approves of bragging, we can't help but point out our Dunk Low collab with sneaker artist Stan Birch. They feature 22-karat gold leaf, which reminds us of you). This date will surely come with plenty of Halloween party invitations, but it's also an eclipse. If you don't speak astrology, eclipses start drama. You do that enough on your own. It's just what rockstars do.
As much as you love Halloween, you see yourself socializing most later in Scorpio season, especially once Venus enters your 11th House of Friendship on Wednesday, November 8. This transit begs you to celebrate life with your comrades. How fabulous would hosting a dinner or party a week after Halloween be? Did the other signs think the time for dressing up and getting into trouble was over? Please make sure to set them straight.
Inhale: Think before you speak
Exhale: Scarcity mindset — Every day is Halloween
You likely know that people associate your sign with work, Capricorn, but did you know that the tarot card associated with you is the Devil? No, that doesn't mean that you're evil. It points to consensual vice and reminds us that you play as hard as you work. But hold onto your horns, because Scorpio season encourages you to prioritize your relationships and get into just enough trouble with the people you love the most. Consider keeping a Maintenance Kit on hand. You're going to need it.
Saturday, October 28, brings a full moon and eclipse in your 5th House of Pleasure. Full moons tend to turn into wild nights, so expect your Hallo-weekend to be filled with sexy fun, whether you're single and making out with someone new, dressed as Elvis or Marie Antionette or something absurd, or connecting with your long-term partner through passionate lovemaking. Just know that eclipses can stir up drama. Focus on having fun this weekend and put off having any big talks. See, astrology is great, isn't it?
The good times keep coming when your ruling planet, the rulemaker Saturn, ends its retrograde on Saturday, November 4. Now that it's direct, it's okay if you want to break a rule or two, like staying up a little later than usual, puffing on some cannabis as you watch horror movies, or rom-coms if you prefer, which can also be terrifying, so you're still on theme. Remember, Capricorn, taking breaks from work allows you to relax, making you more productive in the long run.
Inhale: A wild Halloween
Exhale: Work worries
It's Scorpio season, Aquarius. While that means Halloween for everyone, you're the only sign whose 10th House of Social Status is illuminated during Scorpio season, which means you will be more famous by the end. Yes, we know that you just want to make the world a place, dear water-bearer, but relax, take a hit, and remember that you can have it all.
During Scorpio season, whether at work, in your creative side hustles, or both, positive attention (and hopefully some cash) is coming your way. The downside of this? You have to work for it. That means that you're going to be busy. So if you decide to kick it at home on Hallo-weekend, the stars are on your side. After all, Saturday, October 28, brings a chaotic full moon and eclipse (eclipses are notorious for stirring up drama), and you don't have the energy for it. Before you stock up on any PAX goodies for your night in, did you know that if you're a U.S. or Canadian teacher, medical provider, nurse, military member, or first responder, you get a major gratitude discount.
Before you get too baked, circle Monday, November 13, in your calendar. There's a new moon on this date, and these lunations mark the start of something wonderful. Don't be surprised if you get that aforementioned attention or good news this week (and make sure to accept it).
Inhale: Accepting praise (and discounts)
Exhale: Peer pressure to party
Go ahead and put on your dad hat, Pisces, and kick up your feet because your Scorpio season assignment is to relax. The sun enters Scorpio on Monday, October 23, and as you know, if you've ever tried to date one of these scorpions, this sign is moody. You're also a water sign, but while Scorpio likes to dive off the deep end, you're happiest floating around, enjoying the weather, and puffing your vape. You won't be surprised to learn that Rihanna is a Pisces.
Many other star signs were warned to take it easy during Hallo-weekend, as there's a full moon and eclipse on Saturday, October 28, which is a recipe for drama. This is precisely why you should put on a costume and go party. Everyone else needs you around, dancing (and passing the Pax) to keep the vibes in check.
Lately, folks have been pushing against your boundaries. Once rule-maker Saturn goes direct in your sign on Saturday, November 4, this shifts.
You're confident enough to put people in their place. If one of your most trusted friends or partner has been leaning on you too much, they may even apologize and give you some space on their own. You love a party, Pisces, but you also need plenty of alone time to rebuild your strength. And, speaking of, after all that partying, try to relax at home around the new moon in Scorpio on Monday, November 13.
Inhale: Shaking what your mama gave you
Exhale: People-pleasing
Please Consume Responsibly.This product may cause impairment and may be habit forming. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. This product has not been analyzed or approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). There is limited information on the side effects of using this product, and there may be associated health risks. Marijuana use during pregnancy and breast-feeding may pose potential harms. It is against the law to drive or operate machinery when under the influence of this product.
KEEP THIS PRODUCT AWAY FROM CHILDREN. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. The impairment effects of Edibles may be delayed by two hours or more. In case of accidental ingestion, contact poison control hotline 1-800-222-1222 or 9-1-1. This product may be illegal outside of MA.
WARNING: Overconsumption of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder, Mental Health Symptoms/Problems, Cannabis Hyperemesis (CHS), and Cannabis use disorder/dependence, including physical and psychological dependence.
For use only by adults 21 years of age and older. Keep out of reach of children and pets. In case of accidental ingestion or overconsumption, contact the Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222 or call 9-1-1. Please consume responsibly. Cannabis can be addictive.
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